Raven -Symone: “Some People Just Look Like Animals” (Sigh)

Raven -Symone: “Some People Just Look Like Animals” (Sigh)

I knew someone Black was going to come to the defense of former Univision host Rodner Figueroa who was recently fired after he compared First Lady Michelle Obama to Planet of the Apes. I

Ask Demetria: “My Man Doesn’t Like My Natural Hair”

Ask Demetria: “My Man Doesn’t Like My Natural Hair”

Dear Demetria: I did a big chop yesterday. I sent a picture to my live-in fiance, who is the father to my 2-year-old daughter. He responded that I looked crazy and that he doesn’t like short

Fight Night: Brawling in the ‘Burbs Before Phones Had Video

Fight Night: Brawling in the ‘Burbs Before Phones Had Video

Kids aren’t going to sh-. They’ve been ain’t sh- for awhile. There just weren’t as many cameras around to document it. Like millions of other people, I watched the

I Ugly Cried in Nairobi

I Ugly Cried in Nairobi

I had a breakdown in Nairobi. Like full-on heaving sobs, snotty tears and all. Don’t be alarmed. I do this at least once every time I travel overseas. I love traveling. I love seeing new

Nairobi Day 4: Baby Elephants x 100 Shilling Tequila Shots

Nairobi Day 4: Baby Elephants x 100 Shilling Tequila Shots

  I planned to write an actual Day 4 post, but…. Cousin G and I went to see the elephants in the morning. And on the way back to the cottage, we stopped at the grocery store. And at the

Day 3- Tales from Nairobi: “White, like you and me…”

Day 3- Tales from Nairobi: “White, like you and me…”

So, I mentioned yesterday that I hadn’t seen any white people really,